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Native English Teacher born and raised in England. Jolly Phonics method. The Oxford Reading Tree. The Cambridge Kid’s Box. The Cambridge Young Learners English Tests and Trinity Examinations

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

Native French full-time tutor in Hong Kong, mid 30s, extensive experience in one-on-one and private class, French exams. 500-700HK$ per hour

深灣(近香港仔遊艇會) - 公司船位出租或出售 - Company's Moorage for Rent / for Sale

提供鋼琴 / 圓號(法國號) 課程,課程透過: 公開演出及學生音樂會、比賽、考試、大師班、樂器訓練及樂理研習,課堂將以粵語 (英語輔助) 或全英語進行,教室採用符合考試標準之三角琴,有意報讀的同學, 請於上課前致電96294800 (吳老師) 約見面試, 評估演奏水平

This phone is unlocked and can be used with any SIM card. No activation required (check carrier frequency requirements)

Since 1830, Queens and Empresses of the world are impressed of the perfume creation of the famous perfumer Edouard Pinaud, even appointed him as the official supplier. 男女,寵物皆宜。法國香水配調師的百年品牌

結婚 / 結婚優惠長長久久1999租車公司

2016 拉丁舞 暑期班: 青少年 * 兒童 * 現正招生 星期三 1:00-2:00PM / 2:00-3:00PM 星期四 4:30-5:30PM / 5:30-6:30PM [社交舞、標準舞、拉丁舞 (基礎班) ] 留英深造、國際評判、可保送學員參加英國 I.D.T.A.及I.S.T.D.學會職業及業餘導師試 ※適合未曾或初接觸社交舞之人仕※老師會從簡單基本步法開始教授,
N教學進修 / 舞蹈Nelson Dancing Studio

教授包括: Yin Yoga & Power Yoga & Aerial Yoga,因應需要、程度,度身設計瑜伽課程,效果更顯著。針對性鍛練,迅速提升柔軟度,進步飛快。自定時間,自定進度,極具彈性! 如果你有運動創傷、懷孕、極硬以至一般課程也跟不上或極柔軟以至任何課程均冇feel,不妨試一試。 如有查詢, Whatsapp 6283 7320 秦小姐
運動及健身 / 瑜伽Alice's Yoga Workshop

PMEG Academy 中心四大導師均畢業於世界排名十大大學學院*, 主修其任教科目並持相關工作經驗。並具多年教授IB, GCE, AP課程經驗及為相關科目之本地/英國準大學生提供預備課程。學生來自各大名校及頂級學府 包括: Diocesan Boys School, ISLAND SCHOOL, St. Paul’s Co-ed, Harrow School, Concord College.
P教學進修 / 補習PMEG Academy

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